This guide is about the quickest way to lose weight, or at least what I believe is the quickest way to lose weight. The method may not be perfect but I can almost guarantee that you will lose weight very fast, at least over a short period of time. Please be careful and know the limits of your own body, especially when it comes to exercise. I have written this guide with safety in mind and hope you can use it to lose weight quickly and safely.
Please evaluate your own fitness level before you try to follow this or any other guide on how to lose weight. For example if you never get any exercise at all, it is absolutely not recommended to start doing 2 hours of extreme cardio everyday. Your body just can’t handle it. If you are not used to exercise and are very out of shape, tone down the exercise to match what you can actually handle, and build up over time. While this guide may be about the quickest way to loose weight, overall fat loss and maintaining your weight is an ongoing and long term process.
The reason I am writing this guide on quick ways to lose weight is because I believe if you see a huge weight loss in your first week or two weeks of a new exercise and diet program you will be highly motivated to continue your program instead of quitting or giving up.
To begin with, you must understand that your body requires a certain number of calories everyday. You burn a base level of calories by just being alive everyday, you burn calories while you are sleeping, sitting at your computer, even while are you eating. This number of calories varies from person to person and you should use a calorie calculator to determine the base amount of calories you need everyday. The calorie calculator will take your age/weight/height and sex into account and determine the amount of calories your body needs everyday. Here is a calorie calculator I found in a quick search.
So why does all this matter? Who cares about calories? The reason calories are important is if you eat less calories than your daily requirement, you will lose weight, and if you eat more calories than the daily amount, you will gain weight. Really it is as simple as that. So when looking for the quickest way to lose weight, you will want to minimize the amount of calories you consume. What I do not recommend is consuming no or very few calories, this is not a healthy way to lose weight, if your recommended daily calorie intake is 2000, you should consume no less than 1000 calories a day, and only for short periods of time, such as 1 or 2 weeks. This will ensure that you are losing weight quickly and safely.
How can you safely minimize daily caloric intake? First of all, eat very little amounts of food spread out through the day, this will help reduce hunger, and it’s better for your metabolism. If you don’t eat for many hours at a time your metabolism will slow down to a halt and you will not be losing weight. Next, maximize the amount of vegetables and lean meat that you eat such as chicken breast, and minimize or completely eliminate pretty much all other foods. Most vegetables have high water content and are generally very very low on calories, this means you can eat them all day and not go over your calorie limit. Lean meat like chicken breast is a protein, and is fairly low on calories since it has very little fat. Protein helps speed up your metabolism, and is very good for quick weight loss, in fact, skinless chicken breast is a great part of any fat loss diet. Avoid any foods high in fat. Fruit is fine but is generally higher in calories than vegetables so be careful with it. Finally, make sure you drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated, you will need it for the next portion of the quickest way to lose weight.
So lets assume that you are already at a 1000 calorie deficit everyday just from your diet alone. By eating healthy you will be losing about 2 pounds of fat a week, since each pound of fat is 3500 calories. How can we increase the rate at which we lose fat, and lose weight quicker? Exercise of course.
Ideally you will do a mix of cardio and weight training, but for the quick way to lose weight, over a short period of time, you can start with a lot of cardio. This will burn tons of excess calories and burn off fat very quickly. For a long term approach to weight loss, weight training will build lean muscle and that lean muscle will increase your metabolism and burn off more calories on its own.
There are tons of forms of cardio, from simply running, jumping rope, swimming, it all works. The basic idea is to get your heart rate up to a target zone that is ideal for fat burning and weight loss, and to keep it there for at least 30 minutes. You will need to figure out your target heart rate, and then pick your exercise of choice and get to it for at least 30 minutes a day. You can calculate your target heart rate here. One of my personal favorite forms of cardio for weight loss is the elliptical machine. This is usually a very popular machine at gyms, and for good reason, it burns tons of calories and is much easier on your body than running. PLEASE remember to only exercise within your limits, if you injure yourself you won’t be able to exercise at all and thats not very helpful for fat loss. Know your body and what you can handle. Even if you can only walk 10 minutes a day, start small and work your way up.
If you can handle cardio for 1-2 hours you may be able to burn 1000 calories or more per day, this would bring your total calorie burn to 2000 calories a day, great right? This would mean a total weight loss of 4 pounds a week.
What I have tried to explain here is a quick and safe way to lose weight. I would strongly suggest avoiding crash diets, or any diet that has you not eating anything at all. This guide can be used to any degree you like, just take it slow if fast weight loss isn’t your primary concern. If you are after the quickest way to lose weight, I believe this is the safest way to do it, it is also better for long term weight loss since with crash diets you will often regain the weight back very quickly.
I hope this has helped, I will try to add more posts explaining more about the overall principles of quick weight loss, and just general guides to losing weight healthily. Please comment with any questions or comments, thanks and good luck!
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